Leveraging Supply Chain Leadership to Build Organizational Advantages

Recently, The Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management (AHRMM) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) held a round table discussion comprised of Healthcare Supply Chain thought leaders.  The Round table was convened as a means of engaging supply chain leaders in discussions that would generate concepts and ideas for advancing the industry in the face of today’s challenging environment.  Two major themes emerged from the conference 1) The increased need and urgency for hospital organizations to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, and 2) the need to drive out costs through supply chain management.

Working from these two themes, the panelists were able to identify the following action initiatives which were deemed most critical to resolving the issues of excess cost and operational inefficiency.

The next few posts in this blog will expand on these action initiatives and are aimed at helping today’s managers dealing with inventory and supply chain management be more effective.  As a company founded on innovation, Mobile Aspect’s solutions were designed to create a simple, automated workflow for end users that eradicates the waste and inefficiencies created by manual workflows and poor data capture.