Big Data

How To Use Predictive Analytics In The Hospital Supply Chain

Many hospitals still rely on manual processes or antiquated technologies for managing their expensive supplies and implants. The concept of predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in their supply chains may seem like a remote possibility, but this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Advances in hospital supply chain technologies over the last decade […]

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How To Link Patient Outcomes To Medical Devices Using UDI

The United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is touting the benefits of tying unique device identifiers (UDIs) on medical devices to patient outcomes via electronic medical records. UDIs have been a long-term dream for many in healthcare, who view the ability to track and trace medical devices using unique item-level codes as a true

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How One Health System Analyzes Physician Item Preferences To Boost Its Bottom Line

Springfield, Missouri-based Mercy Health has taken to data analytics to help understand the discrepancy in physician item usage in order to boost its bottom line. By using data to analyze the costs and usage patterns of physicians on similar cases, it has identified many opportunities to reduce supply costs and increase its profitability. Using data

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Hospital Inventory Management In A Data-Driven World

As hospitals grapple with increasing costs and declining reimbursements, reducing expenses has become an important tool for hospital CFOs to use to improve profitability. This contrasts greatly with hospital strategies from a decade ago that relied solely on increasing revenues to increase profitability. Key areas that hospitals have been focusing on are their labor and

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UDI One Step Closer To Reality

The United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and its European equivalents are currently conducting a real-world pilot aimed at bringing unique device identifiers (UDIs) one step closer to reality. UDIs have been a long-term dream for many in healthcare, who view the ability to track and trace medical devices using unique item-level codes as

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How A Periodic Evaluation Of Your Consigned Inventory Can Save Your Hospital Millions

There are many reasons why hospitals choose to consign the expensive implants and supplies that they use in surgical settings. However, deciding to consign a product without continuously analyzing that decision can be costing your hospital millions of dollars each year. Read on to find out some best practices when it comes to reducing the

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How One Health System Negotiated Its Way To $1.5 Million In Annual Savings On Ortho Implants

HonorHealth, a Scottsdale, Arizona-based health system with over $1.7 billion in annual revenues, recently undertook a process to identify cost savings opportunities across the system. Early on, the joint-replacement service line jumped out as a prime candidate for cost savings. An early analysis by the five hospital system and their group purchasing organization pointed out

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How Supply Price Inaccuracies Can Affect The Bottom Line

Due to the nature of how hospitals and health systems acquire supplies, product prices are constantly changing. Different hospitals in the same health system, and even different departments within the same hospital, may be paying different rates for the same items, and those prices are typically in flux. With supply chains and individual departments within

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Disappointed With The ROI From Your EHR Investment? You’re Not Alone

Yet another study has been published showing the disappointing return on investment that hospitals are experiencing with their electronic health record (EHR) implementations. The new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), showed that the costs of administering billing and insurance-related functions may actually have increased following EHR roll-outs. This is

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The Key To Figuring Out Your Cost Per Case

Historically, the cost of a surgical procedure has been a difficult equation to solve. As the US healthcare system moves more and more toward a value-based system, hospitals require now more than ever an accurate understanding of their procedure costs. These accurate procedure costs then need to be compared to outcomes in order to perform

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